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Some birds are dumb, like pigeons, pecking away at crumbs with wide eyes. Some birds are smart, like crows and ravens, which can be taught to recycle cans they find on the street. Some birds are big, like emus, and some are small, like yellow finches. Some birds are brightly colored, like parrots, and some are dull, like doves. Some birds sing happy little trills. Some birds let out long, mournful notes. Some birds see the windows and avoid them. Some birds aren’t so lucky. Some birds swim, and some birds float, waving their little tails in the air when they dive. Some birds walk. Some birds waddle. And some birds fly. Some birds aren’t real, like Tweety Bird. Some birds aren’t real anymore, like puffins. Some birds stay in flocks, and some birds fly solo. Literally. I wonder which kind I’d be.


(a 5-minute in-class writing, 1/16/20)

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